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Tax Season FAQ's

We are pleased to inform you of the updates and enhancements we've made to our firm's services. This tax season, we have implemented changes to streamline processes, ensure compliance with the latest regulations, and provide even better support and communication to meet your tax and financial needs. 

We are continuously striving to adopt best practices and deliver an exceptional experience for you.

Please see below for an introduction to the improvements made to the service(s) that apply to you.

Business Tax Return

Business clients use Box and Canopy for their tax preparation and filing.

  • Box.com -- Upload business tax documents
  • Canopy -- Sign business tax return, updates to tax return status, pay invoice.
  • Custom financial reporting
  • Tremendous cost savings vs. in-house CFO

Business & Personal Tax Return

We maintain a well-oiled HR machine with simplified, streamlined processes for everything from hiring to time management.

  • Box.com -- Upload business tax documents
  • Canopy -- Sign business tax return, updates to tax return status, pay invoice.
  • Tax Caddy -- Personalized tax organizer, upload personal tax documents (e.g. 1099, K-1, W-2, etc.), pay federal and state tax liabilities and estimates, sign PIN forms.

Personal Tax Return

Clients filing an individual tax return (e.g. 1040) use both Tax Caddy and Canopy.

  • Tax Caddy -- Personalized tax organizer, upload personal tax documents (e.g. 1099, K-1, W-2, etc.), pay federal and state tax liabilities and estimates, sign PIN forms.
  • Canopy -- Sign business tax return, updates to tax return status, pay invoice.

Comprehensive Tax Support for Thriving Businesses.

Maximize your profitability and go into tax season confident with the experienced tax professionals of Delta Wealth Advisors.

Our seasoned CPAs know how to remove the question marks from your business’s tax strategy and build customized, intelligent tax strategies and plans that make it easier than ever to pay what’s due—and hold onto what’s yours.            


Tax Strategy + Planning

The success of any tax strategy comes in its execution—and DWA provides structured tax plans to mitigate risk and avoid surprises. With success in business comes a growing tax bill. Explore your options and implement taxes to minimize tax liabilities.

  • Tax credit review
  • Comprehensive book keeping support to maximize deductions
  • Quarterly tax payment planning
  • Monthly revenue analysis and tax planning recommendations

Tax Preparation

Our experienced CPAs and business tax professionals make filing tax returns a breeze.

  • State and federal income tax return prep
  • Personal tangible property tax return prep
  • Filing of sales and payroll tax dollars and reports

Your Technology Concierge.

Modern businesses run on connected cloud tech, and we’re proud to use the same accessible accounting technology you know and love. Invite us to your existing online account system or let us take the lead in setting one up for you—and let us do the heavy lifting.